Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunday Drive


Out of boredom, Mike, Muffin and I took a drive on a Sunday in late September, 2010. It was a beautiful fall day. We had no destination in mind, just to get out of the house. We headed south on Harrodsburg Road. When we got to Man-O'-War Blvd., I suggested we go see the Pisgah Church. It is in Woodford County in horse farm territory. So we turned right on Man-O'-War to Versailles Road and then left towards Versailles. I had been to the church before with a girlfriend, but this time I had my camera with me. Versailles Road is a scenic drive in itself. You pass Calumet Farm, Keeneland Race Track, and, of course, The Castle.

Turn right just past the castle and you are on Pisgah Road. Just past the Castle, the Brittany horse farm begins, and this farm surrounds the church. This church is over 200 years old, built in 1785. Behind the church is a meeting house and a tennis court. To the left of the church is a cemetery and the front of the property has a beautiful stone fence. I see I will have to take another drive out there so I can get more pictures to really show the beauty of this church. There are stained glass windows on the side of the building. Watch for more pictures.

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